Dear PITT - I am angry at you being so reasonable!
Is this what projection looks like? Responding to Rene Jax's comment.
Dear Rene Jax,
Thank you for reading my response letter to you entitled “Satire as a Mirror: Responding to Rene Jax's Criticism of 'ROGD Awareness Day.'“ However, once again, I must respectfully disagree with you and your characterization of my letter as "pro trans aggression and hostility toward the normie world." The purpose of my letter was to provide a thoughtful and substantive response to the points you raised in your initial comment. It is not an attack on those with differing opinions, but rather an attempt to take your criticism seriously and addressing your points in a substantive manner. This was an effort to engage in meaningful dialogue about the harm caused by perpetuating misconceptions about transgender individuals and their healthcare needs.
So I find it interesting that you dismiss my response with the accusation me of being "thin-skinned" and "incapable of accepting or dealing with the slightest criticism," given the tone and content of your comment. My letter directly addressed the points you raised in your initial comment, providing a detailed, well-reasoned rebuttal grounded in scientific evidence and the lived experiences of transgender people.
Your response, on the other hand, is filled with personal attacks, assumptions, and generalizations that seem to reflect more on your own fears and insecurities than on the substance of my letter. You accuse me of "pro trans aggression," yet your comment is the one that resorts to name-calling and dismissing me with insults such as "worthless" and "pathetic." This is not a constructive way to engage in dialogue. It's a tactic that seeks to belittle, demean, and dismiss rather than to listen, understand, and persuade - the very points that the satirical article is making.
You further state that "Anyone who doesn't automatically align themselves with [me]you must have an axe to grind.” You PITT , Wren are pathetic." Yet I will point out, again, I engaged with your points substantively. You are the one who seems unwilling or unable to engage with the actual points and evidence presented in my articles or in my direct responses to you. Instead, you are lashing out with accusations and insults. This kind of reactive, defensive posture is often a sign of projection, where one attributes their own unacknowledged feelings or behaviors to others. It seems it is not I who holds the view that “anyone who doesn’t automatically align themselves with me[you] must have an axe to grind.”
So in response to your anger I invite you to take a step back and reflect on what may be driving your strong emotional response to this issue. Consider the possibility that your anger and hostility towards transgender individuals and advocates is rooted in your own discomfort, fear, or misunderstanding. Perhaps your reaction makes it easier to attack and dismiss others than to grapple with the complexities and challenges these topics represent to you and your own inner sense of self and principles. I hope you find these answers and sort them out, I honestly believe in doing so, and living one’s values and principles is one of life’s keys to living your life as your happy, resilient self.
I want to be clear that my goal is not to shame or silence those with differing views, but to encourage a more thoughtful, empathetic approach to this conversation. Transgender rights and well-being are not a threat to society, but rather an opportunity for us to expand our understanding and compassion for the diversity of human experiences. As trans rights are advanced through society as a whole, so too are human rights. They are inextricably linked, and elevating one is elevating the other.
What matters here are the facts: that anti-trans misinformation and dehumanizing rhetoric contribute to a climate of hostility and violence against the transgender community, that gender-affirming care is a vital and often life-saving treatment supported by medical consensus, and that the fight for transgender rights and acceptance is a fight for basic human dignity and equality for all.
By engaging in good-faith dialogue, seeking out accurate information, and listening to the voices of transgender individuals themselves, I believe we can work towards a society that values and supports all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. If this makes me an unwanted dweeb with a keyboard, then I gladly accept this title with honor, grace, and humility.
I hope you'll take some time to reflect on your reaction and consider the points I have raised. I hope that in doing so, you might one day approach this topic with a more open heart and mind.
Author of the article in question