Local Parents Heroically Rescue Son from Clutches of His Own Identity
Satirical response to: 'Our Story in a Nutshell'
SPRINGFIELD - Bob and Karen Johnson are being hailed as heroes after saving their 15-year old son Michael from the brink of self-knowledge last Tuesday. The harrowing rescue occurred after Michael made the shocking announcement that he "might be trans," a terrifying prospect his parents recognized as the delusional ravings of a sinister transgender cult.
"He was so far gone, he actually thought he knew himself better than we did," said Karen, her voice shaking. "Clearly our vulnerable boy had fallen prey to the nefarious transgender agenda that's claimed so many promising young lives."
The Johnsons leapt into action, scouring the internet for resources to disprove Michael's misguided beliefs about his own identity. "The forums were full of horror stories about kids getting brainwashed into thinking they were born in the wrong body," Bob shuddered. "We knew we had to act fast before Michael fell victim to the trans delusion."
In a courageous act of erasure, the Johnsons systematically invalidated Michael's every attempt to express his so-called "identity." They bravely refused to use his preferred name and pronouns, understanding that feeding the delusion would only lead him further astray.
Fortunately, after months of dedicated efforts to suppress Michael's pesky self-knowledge, the Johnsons report a "return to sanity" in their household. "He still insists there's a girl inside him, but at least he knows not to talk about it anymore," Karen said proudly. "We'll keep fighting this battle until he abandons this trans nonsense and embraces the identity we've lovingly assigned him."
The Johnsons hope their story will inspire other parents to trust their own unfounded assumptions over their children's lived experiences. "Remember, you know your child best," Bob advised. "Don't let so-called 'experts' or your child's own persistent self-understanding get in the way of your parental instinct to enforce conformity at all costs."
At press time, Michael was seen silently screaming into his pillow, which is widely recognized as a clear sign of a adolescent brain returning to normal.
Taken from pittparents.com story shared by an anonymous parent
It breaks my heart to know that real parents are doing exactly this to their children.
This unfortunately brings up a few (unwanted) memories, some a bit weirder than you would expect.
Before coming out to my mother she told me that fortunately I had turned out to be normal - after just having spent 10 minutes explaining to me that gender was a spectrum! At that time she was 80+.
When I finally came out to her (when she was 87) she told me that she knew that (s)he was trans masculine - which I had deducted many years before (I caught her having a dysphoric breakdown) - but had chosen to just stay solidly closeted. When asked why she hadn’t reacted to the times I had been caught showing my feminine side, she said that she had assumed it was an autism/intelligence thing. The few times I did get caught she left the room, and my father “handled” the “problem”.
The current Olympic transvestigation nonsense brings up further memories, as my mother was based on her unique physique an elite sportswoman: better endurance and strength than her competitors, superhealing, etc. Fortunately for her in the 1950/1960s elite performances for women were fully accepted.
Many years ago my family had a sports team solely consisting of close family members, with a mixed gender sub-discipline where she played the male role and I the female role - so a lot of knowledge was not exchanged, creating a very weird atmosphere in the family.