Dear Readers,
In anticipation for December 3rd and
’s "We're Not Going Back" campaign, I thought it might be nice to include an email or letter to your elected officials. This can require a bit of preparation, so I thought to add this as an option for anyone, LGBTQ+ folks, allies, content creators, or consumers - this is something everyone can do. It is time to hold our elected representatives and officials to account.I think it stands to reason that the LGBTQ+ community is under attack, facing a disturbing wave of legislation across the country that threatens to roll back hard-won rights and protections for some time now. We need everyone - LGBTQ+ people and allies alike - to speak up on now and make it clear to our representatives at every level that we will not tolerate any erosion of LGBTQ+ rights.
That's why I am calling on all of you, whether you're LGBTQ+ or an ally, to join us in sending a powerful message to your representatives: LGBTQ+ rights are human rights, and we expect you to fight for them! We are not going back!
I have tried my best to make it easy for you to take action. Below you'll find a template for an open letter to your representatives. All you need to do is add a paragraph about why this issue matters to you personally, modify any other details to fit your situation, and send it off to your representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Let them know that LGBTQ+ people and their allies make up a substantial voting bloc, and we are watching to see if they will stand up for equality. If they abandon LGBTQ+ people, they will lose our votes. Remind them that trans rights are human rights!
Not sure who all your representatives are? Don’t worry, I got you covered. Follow this link to find your representatives:
Elected Official Lookup Tool:
Simply enter your address and instantly get the contact information for all your representatives at every level of government. Taking action couldn't be easier or more important!
Your letter will join a chorus of other messages being sent as part of the "We're Not Going Back" campaign spearheaded by Julia Serano (
). In her words:“I propose that on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 (the first day that both the House and Senate are back in session), all of us who are invested in this issue and have a platform (whether it be a blog, newsletter, column, podcast, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc.) publish a piece with the shared title: “LGBTQ+ People Are Not Going Back.” Yes, I know, it’s a cheesy title, but it holds Democrats accountable to their own talking points and makes it clear that backsliding on LGBTQ+ rights is nonnegotiable for us.”
In addition to Serano’s wonderful idea, I thought “why not send an email to our representatives On December 3rd as well?” It only take a few minutes and it can’t hurt to raise the awareness of this campaign to our elected officials directly. Who knows? If enough of us do so, it could send a powerful message!
So that is what I am hoping we can all do, in addition to whatever content or media posts we generate on December 3rd, why not add an email or drop a letter in the mailbox now (or on December 3rd) as well? That letter will join a chorus of other letters and online content to create a resounding message that we refuse to allow LGBTQ+ people to be pushed back into the closet or the shadows. We will keep living authentically and fighting for equality - and we expect our representatives to do the same!
Not sure what precise bills and legislation your state may be considering or has enacted? Check your state here:
The more of us who participate, the more impact this action will have. So please, take a few minutes to personalize this letter and make your voice heard. Share this article and template with your friends and family and encourage them to join in. Together, we can build an overwhelming display of grassroots power and solidarity!
Even if anti-LGBTQ+ legislation hasn't reached your area yet, it's crucial to speak up now before it spreads any further. An attack on LGBTQ+ rights anywhere is an attack on LGBTQ+ people everywhere. By coming together and raising our voices, we can stop this wave of hate in its tracks.
We're here, we're queer (and allied!), and we're not going back - and neither should our representatives at any level! So let's make sure they get that message loud and clear. Write your letters today and join this crucial campaign to protect LGBTQ+ rights!
Dear [Representative's Name],
I am writing to you as a constituent from [your city/town] deeply concerned about the escalating attacks on LGBTQ+ rights in our country. In the wake of recent election losses, we have seen far too many Democratic politicians and pundits suggest that our party should abandon the transgender community and other LGBTQ+ people. This is unacceptable. I am calling on you to take a strong, unequivocal stand against any efforts to roll back the rights and protections of LGBTQ+ Americans.
As one of the over 8% of U.S. voters who identify as LGBTQ+, I want to remind you of the power of our community at the ballot box. In the 2024 election, LGBTQ+ voters overwhelmingly supported Democratic candidates. However, if Democrats turn their backs on us now in the face of these attacks, you will lose our votes. We are watching closely to see if our representatives will have the courage to stand up for our rights.
[Representative’s proper address (Mr./Mrs./Senator/Representative/etc], the transgender community represents one of the most vulnerable minorities in our society, facing disproportionate levels of discrimination, poverty, and violence. Transgender rights are fundamentally human rights - the right to freedom of expression, physical autonomy, and equal protection under the law. When those rights are undermined for transgender people, it sets a dangerous precedent that threatens the liberty of all. History has shown that oppressive regimes often target the most marginalized groups first, using them as a testing ground for rollbacks of rights that eventually spread to other communities. The legal status of transgender people can therefore serve as a "canary in the coal mine" for the trajectory of human rights and equality more broadly. If we allow attacks on transgender rights to succeed unchallenged, we send the message that it is acceptable to deny fundamental freedoms to those deemed "other" or "less than."
Already, we have seen Republicans propose or enact horrific policies like transgender bathroom bans, "Don't Say Gay" laws that effectively erase LGBTQ+ students, restrictions and bans on gender-affirming healthcare, and even bans on drag performances that threaten our very freedom of expression. HR 9218 threatens to be the bill that takes us down the road to forming our own Gilead. These policies inflict real, devastating harm on LGBTQ+ individuals and families.
[Add a paragraph here with your personal story about how these political attacks impact you, your loved ones, or your community. If there is a specific anti-LGBTQ+ or anti-trans legislation being put forth in your local or state government, you should mention it here as well, and the impact it has]
But if we come together now, across lines of identity and experience, to demand recognition of transgender people's basic humanity and inviolable rights, we build a stronger foundation of justice for all. Our transgender neighbors and loved ones should not have to live in fear for simply being who they are. We must stand with them and insist that an attack on their rights is an attack on the rights of every one of us.
I am asking you to use your platform to vocally condemn any anti-LGBTQ+ policies or rhetoric. Oppose any bill that would roll back our hard-won rights. Push back against members of your own party who suggest sacrificing the LGBTQ+ community for political gain. Show up for us not just in your votes but in your speeches, your interviews, your town halls.
We need you to send an unambiguous message that LGBTQ+ rights are non-negotiable for the Democratic party. Our very lives and futures are on the line. If you abandon us now, we will have no choice but to abandon you in the next election.
The LGBTQ+ community is watching. We are not going back into the closet or the shadows. We will keep fighting for our right to live freely and authentically. The only question is, will we have you fighting alongside us?
I hope I can count on you to be an unwavering ally in this battle. Thank you for your time and attention to this crucially important matter.
[Your Name]
[Your City/Town, State]
I sent letters to my senators and rep today on this piece of trash (Props to Lilith Helstrom for the heads up on it.): S.5356 - Defining Male and Female Act of 2024 (, but happy to send out more.