When I wanted to read about transgenderism, I went to the medical community organizations sites you mentioned. I was a researcher for many years and understand how to vet sources. My trans family member had access to quality medical care and psychological support in addition to family support. It’s gobsmacking that people will be happy to spend hours going down some rabbit hole of misinformation, rather than spend 20 minutes reading an article and getting the actual facts.

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It is the difference between being open to learning and wanting to understand, with curiosity and intellectual honesty versus holding a belief or preconceived notion and engaging in a confirmation biased search to support that which you want to be true.

It is gobsmacking indeed, and sad. I have pity and am sad for those who fall into that ideological trap and echo chambers. Who wants to live their life that afraid, hurt, and angry all the time?

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Truly my pleasure and I genuinely love your work!

As a gender therapist I have to deal with this insidious ideological drivel all the time and the lengths to which people will go never ceases to amaze me.

The fact that we have to constantly refute utter nonsense just for wanting to be who we are is so frustrating and tragic… and yet despite this we persevere…

Thank you for everything you do!


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Dansereau’s article is dangerous hokum.

Thank you for your considered and extraordinarily well-crafted response to it.

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Thanks for reading it, and more so for leaving a nice comment! I hope that this helps people understand not just what is science and facts, but also how to identify the bad arguments/fallacies that are used to rope people into believing such bunk in the first place. I want to believe that the best inoculation to indoctrination is solid information :) The more people that have that, the less harm the ideologically inspired can do.

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