Debunking the Dangerous Delusions in "The Apples who Paint Themselves Orange"
The Inconvenient Truth About Arty Morty's Flawed Fruit Metaphor
Well hello again PITT crew! Today, we're diving deep into the rotten core of Arty Morty's latest diatribe, "The Apples who Paint Themselves Orange." In this piece, Morty serves up a smorgasbord of pseudoscience, strawman arguments, and thinly-veiled transphobia, all under the guise of linguistic analysis. But we're not fooled. We're going to systematically dismantle this harmful propaganda and expose the ugly prejudice festering at its…core.
Morty's central claim is that "man" and "woman" are not just sociolinguistic concepts, but immutable biological realities. They argue that trans people who say otherwise are delusional, and that affirming trans identities is actually harmful.1 It's the same old TERF talking points, repackaged in a veneer of academic jargon.
But here's the thing: Morty's arguments are built on a foundation of sand. They crumble under the slightest scrutiny. Their piece is riddled with logical fallacies, factual inaccuracies, and a fundamental misunderstanding (or willful ignorance) of what it means to be transgender.2
So let's grab our shovels and start digging. We'll excavate the flaws in Morty's reasoning, shine a light on the actual science of gender identity, and expose the ugly prejudice at the heart of their screed. Because when bigotry comes wrapped in pseudo-intellectual packaging, it's especially important to tear off the disguise.
Misrepresenting Gender Identity
One of Morty's favorite rhetorical tricks is the strawman - misrepresenting their opponent's argument to make it easier to attack. Morty does this right out of the gate, claiming that trans activists believe "'man' and 'woman' are basically word games" with no basis in biology. 3
But this is a gross oversimplification. No credible trans advocate or gender theorist claims biological sex isn't real, or that it's purely a linguistic construct.4 What they actually argue is that gender identity - one's inner sense of being a man, a woman, or another gender - is distinct from biological sex, and that it too has a basis in biology.5
Morty conveniently ignores the mounting scientific evidence that gender identity has biological underpinnings. Studies have found that transgender people's brain structures more closely resemble their identified gender than their assigned sex.6 Genetic and hormonal factors likely play a role as well.7
So when Morty mocks the idea that sex and gender are different, they are not just straw-manning - they are denying scientific reality. Their simplistic "apples and oranges" metaphor doesn't capture the complex, biopsychosocial nature of gender.8 It's a childish caricature, not a serious argument.
To see why, let's unpack Morty's strained analogy a bit further.
Peeling that Apple Metaphor
Morty paints a picture of misguided apples, so desperate to be oranges that they resort to superficial disguises. “Orange paint does not an orange make”, he sneers. The implication is clear - no matter how much a trans woman insists she's a woman, she'll always truly be a man. Her identity is simply a flimsy veneer over an unchangeable male essence.
But here's the inconvenient truth Morty misses - the apple was never claiming to be an orange at all. The apple is quite aware, thank you very much, that its insides are pure apple. It's not delusional, just mislabeled. Morty's metaphor is flawed at its core, because a trans person is not an apple merely disguised with "paint." A trans woman is not a man masquerading as a woman, but a woman who was incorrectly categorized as male based on external anatomy. Their inner identity, their true self, is the apple - who she is regardless of any orange peel.
Consider their image of an apple with an orange peel. Would anyone seriously claim this fruit is an orange, just because of its outer covering? Of course not. When you cut to the core, to what truly matters, you will find apple flesh inside, not orange. No amount of stubborn insistence that "peel is all that matters" will change the reality of what this apple is.9
So it is with trans people. A trans man's identity is not a costume or disguise, but his deepest truth, regardless of external anatomy.10 It is not trans people who are deluded or confused, but rather a society that clings to the belief that gender must be determined solely by the peel, by the superficial.11
At the end of the day the part that matters is what is inside the apple, not the orange peel on the outside. To stretch this a bit further, take this image of a can of carrots for consideration:
No amount of denial or rigid categorization will make those carrots turn into peas. Refusing to allow that can to change its label will not make force those carrots into being peas. Morty's view reduces people to their external labels and denies the reality of the carrots within.
Trans people know themselves, and we must respect that inner truth, not impose our assumptions based on outer appearance. To do otherwise is not only factually wrong, but dehumanizing, as Morty's argument shows when taken to its logical conclusion.12 An apple is still an apple, whatever peel it may have. A trans woman is still a woman, a trans man is still a man, no matter how anyone else tries to miscategorize them.
Transitioning, then, is not an act of self-delusion, but an act of self-revelation. It is the apple casting off the orange peel imposed upon it in order to be seen authentically at last. It is correcting the label society applied, in good faith or otherwise, in order to live as one’s true self (or to live in congruence). 13
This simple yet powerful visual metaphor perfectly captures the core flaw in Morty's entire argument, and illustrates how their position is not only inaccurate but illogical and hypocritical when examined critically. Their insistence on "biological reality" erases the reality of not just trans people's identities, but everyone who, due to any number of circumstances, does not line up with their given definition. Ultimately, Morty seeks to enforce a system of categorization that denies people their fundamental truth and right to self determination.
Reinforcing Regressive Stereotypes
For someone who claims to oppose gender essentialism, Morty sure loves to traffic in gender stereotypes. They repeatedly equates being a woman with stereotypically feminine dress and behavior, and manhood with masculine presentation.14
In Morty's world, "men who claim to be women" are just males playing dress-up, "fashioning opposite-sex guises." Morty argues that by transitioning, they're actually "reinforcing sex-based stereotypes" and "dress codes." 15
But this gets it completely backwards. Many trans people actively challenge and subvert gender norms.16 Think of butch trans women, or femme trans men. Their very existence defies the regressive notion that gender is defined by superficial stereotypes.17
Moreover, research shows that affirming trans people's identities - including using their correct pronouns and supporting their transitions - is crucial for their mental health and wellbeing.18 It has nothing to do with reinforcing sexist stereotypes, and everything to do with basic human decency.
Morty's argument here is not only factually wrong, but deeply hypocritical. Morty claims to oppose gender essentialism while peddling some of the most essentialist notions of gender imaginable.19 It's almost as if their real problem isn't with gender roles, but with trans people themselves...
Fearmongering and Slippery Slopes
Ah, the slippery slope. No transphobic screed would be complete without some dire warning that affirming trans rights will lead to the collapse of civilization. And Morty does not disappoint.
Morty ominously claims that "no other culture has ever attempted to make it taboo or illegal to distinguish between males and females," and that this is "the key component that makes 21st-century gender ideology so nutty." 20
But this is pure fearmongering, not to mention historically illiterate. Many cultures throughout history have recognized genders beyond male and female.21 And no one is trying to make it "illegal" to distinguish between sexes - that's a paranoid fantasy.22
What trans advocates are actually fighting for are basic legal protections and social acceptance. Things like the right to use public bathrooms, to have accurate identity documents, to be free from discrimination in housing and employment.23 These are fundamental human rights, not some nefarious plot to erase biological sex.
Morty also invokes the specter of predatory men exploiting trans rights to prey on women. But this too is a transphobic myth, unsupported by evidence. Studies show that allowing trans people to use bathrooms matching their gender doesn't increase safety risks.24
Morty's parade of horribles isn't just factually baseless - it's dangerous. This kind of rhetoric fuels the moral panic and backlash against trans rights. It encourages discrimination and even violence against an already marginalized group.25
The Real Harm Being Done
And that brings us to the bitter irony at the heart of Morty's piece. For all their hand-wringing about the supposed harm of affirming trans identities, Morty completely ignores the very real harm caused by their own arguments.
Transgender people, especially youth, face staggering rates of bullying, harassment, and rejection. This contributes to heart-breakingly high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidality in the trans community.26
But research consistently shows that affirming trans people's identities and supporting their transitions drastically improves mental health outcomes and quality of life.27 It literally saves lives.
Morty's entire argument rests on the paternalistic notion that they know what's best for trans people - that they're delusional and transitioning is harmful. But she's not a medical expert, and their views run counter to the consensus of major medical organizations.28
In the end, the only one confused and causing harm here is Morty. Their misguided attempt to "help" trans people by denying their identities is the real delusion. And it's one with devastating consequences.29
Summing it all up…
"The Apples who Paint Themselves Orange" is a masterclass in how to dress up bigotry in academic language. But strip away the pseudo-intellectual veneer, and you're left with the same tired transphobic tropes and stereotypes.
Arty Morty claims to be defending biological reality and fighting gender essentialism. But they badly misunderstands (or misrepresents) the science of gender identity, while peddling some of the most regressive gender stereotypes imaginable.
Their arguments are riddled with logical fallacies, factual errors, and baseless fearmongering. And worst of all, they contribute to the very real harm faced by the trans community every day.
But here's the good news: we can fight back against this kind of ignorance and prejudice. By amplifying trans voices, centering trans experiences, and relentlessly debunking anti-trans pseudoscience, we can build a world where every person can live authentically and thrive as their true self.
Trans rights are human rights. Trans people are who they say they are. And no amount of hateful rhetoric or tortured metaphors will change that simple truth.
Arty Morty may have painted a bleak picture, but the future is bright - and it's ours to color with the vibrant hues of acceptance, equality, and love. 🏳️⚧️
Morty, A. (2024, July 13). The Apples who Paint Themselves Orange. Arty Morty's Substack.
Serano, J. (2007). Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. Seal Press.
Morty, A. (2024). See 1 Above.
Stryker, S. (2017). Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution. Seal Press.
Sevelius, J. M. (2013). Gender Affirmation: A Framework for Conceptualizing Risk Behavior among Transgender Women of Color. Sex Roles, 68(11-12), 675-689.
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Dembroff, R. (2019). Real Talk on the Metaphysics of Gender. Philosophical Topics, 46(2), 21-50.
Bettcher, T. M. (2014). Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 39(2), 383-406.
Engdahl, U. (2014). Wrong Body. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 1(1-2), 267-269.
Bettcher, T. M. (2007). Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers: On Transphobic Violence and the Politics of Illusion. Hypatia, 22(3), 43-65.
Halberstam, J. (2018). Trans: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability. University of California Press.
Morty, A. (2024). See 1 Above.
Connell, C. (2010). Doing, Undoing, or Redoing Gender? Learning from the Workplace Experiences of Transpeople. Gender & Society, 24(1), 31-55.
Nicolazzo, Z. (2016). "Just Go In Looking Good": The Resilience, Resistance, and Kinship-Building of Trans College Students. Journal of College Student Development, 57(5), 538-556.
Turban, J. L., King, D., Carswell, J. M., & Keuroghlian, A. S. (2020). Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation. Pediatrics, 145(2).
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Once again, I’m super grateful for this response and all of the research articles!