Well howdy there PITT crew, today we are going to talk about a shameful article from Die Fackel 2.0 that was brought to my attention by a reader. The author, Epimetheus, blatantly exploits one person's extremely rare medical conditions1 to spread fear, misinformation and prejudice against transgender people more broadly. (Surprise, surprise.) Epimetheus really thought they did something here, but we are about to show you how this is nothing but a flaming pile of transphobic nonsense poorly disguised as intellectual concern.
Exploiting an Outlier Case to Undermine Trans Identities
Epimetheus's lack of ethics is on full display as they take the incredibly unusual case of someone with both gender dysphoria and body integrity dysphoria and use it to undermine the identities of all trans people. This is a classic tactic of anti-trans concern trolling - using an extreme outlier situation to argue against acceptance of a marginalized group as a whole.
The ridiculous assertion that this represents some kind of trans "endgame" of self-mutilation is pure fear-mongering with no basis in reality. The vast majority of trans people have no desire to amputate healthy limbs. Depicting us as disturbed people itching to cut off body parts is not only wildly inaccurate but deeply harmful. It is an absurd slippery slope fallacy designed to provoke moral panic.
NB: Dear Reader, I won’t address the study directly, as it is a single case study, and ultimately that means little more than a curious case - interesting to read, may be insightful or spur further research, but not much more beyond that.
Lack of Empathy and Pathologizing Tone Reveal Anti-Trans Bias
What is striking is the utter lack of compassion for the individual featured in the article and the immense distress they experienced from both conditions. Epimetheus takes a coldly judgmental tone, painting their desire to transition as a sign of delusion and mental illness rather than a legitimate need.
This flies in the face of decades of research and the consensus of every major medical organization - being transgender is not a disorder, it is a valid identity that sometimes requires medical care. The dismissive, unscientific language like scare quotes around "gender reassignment surgery" betrays the author's true bias and unwillingness to engage with the facts.
Part of a Larger Pattern of Transphobic Content and Ideology
This body integrity dysphoria piece is no isolated incident. It fits into a broader pattern of anti-trans content and ideology promoted by Die Fackel 2.0. A look at their other articles, like opposing LGBTQ inclusion in schools as "indoctrination"2 and favorably covering an "LGB Alliance" convention protested by trans activists3, makes it abundantly clear where they stand on trans rights.
So this is not some good faith intellectual exercise or neutral medical ethics analysis. It is part of a larger agenda of publishing transphobic propaganda and undermining efforts at trans acceptance in society. The biases and manipulation are blatant to anyone looking critically at the full context.
Harm of Spreading Anti-Trans Disinformation and Prejudice
We need to be crystal clear about the impact of rhetoric like this - it causes real, serious harm to an already marginalized group. Spreading misinformation and depicting trans people as delusional and dangerous fuels prejudice, discrimination and even violence against us. It is reckless and reprehensible.
Epimetheus may hide behind a veneer of academic objectivity and faux-concern, but they must be held accountable for promoting anti-trans pseudoscience and stoking unwarranted moral panic. This is blatant ideological activism against trans people masquerading as an intellectual argument.
Logical Fallacies, Falsehoods and Misrepresentations
Epimetheus's article is rife with logical fallacies, blatant falsehoods, and gross misrepresentations of the facts surrounding this case study. Let's break down some of the examples:
Slippery Slope Fallacy
One of the most absurd claims in the piece is that this rare case of comorbid gender dysphoria and body integrity dysphoria represents some kind of inevitable "transgender endgame" of self-mutilation. This is a textbook slippery slope fallacy - taking an extreme outlier situation and arguing it will lead to a catastrophic societal outcome. There is zero evidence that trans people at large have any desire to amputate healthy limbs. Depicting medical transition as a gateway to disturbed self-harm is pure fearmongering not supported by facts.
False Equivalence
Throughout the article, Epimetheus falsely equates being transgender to having body integrity dysphoria, painting them as similar "identity disorders". This is completely inaccurate. Gender dysphoria is a disconnect between one's gender identity and assigned sex, not a desire to be disabled. The scientific consensus is clear that being trans is not a mental illness, but a normal variation in human identity. Conflating the two is either ignorant or deliberate misinformation.
Appeal to Emotion over Facts
Rather than sticking to the objective facts of the case, the author includes lurid, graphic descriptions seemingly designed to shock the reader. The focus is on provoking revulsion and moral panic, not facilitating understanding. Epimetheus also takes a coldly judgmental tone toward the subject, dismissing the immense distress caused by dysphoria in favor of painting them as mentally ill and delusional. These emotionally manipulative tactics reveal the author's underlying anti-trans bias.
Misrepresentation of Science
Epimetheus cherry-picks and misrepresents scientific information to support his anti-trans ideology. He focuses heavily on the subject's comorbid mental health issues while ignoring the decades of research affirming the validity of trans identities and the efficacy of gender-affirming care. The consensus of every major medical association - that transition vastly improves wellbeing for trans people - is not acknowledged. Depicting being trans as a delusion while citing shoddy, un-replicated studies on "neural networks" is a gross misrepresentation of the science.
Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy
The author tries to draw sweeping conclusions and stoke societal fears over trans acceptance from a single case study. This is an anecdotal evidence fallacy - using one example to make broad generalizations. No matter how shocking this story may be, it alone says nothing about trans people overall. Epimetheus is using this outlier case in a vacuum, divorced from the wider context of trans lived experiences, to push a transphobic narrative.
By relying on these fallacies and misrepresentations, the Die Fackel 2.0 article reveals itself as an ideological hit piece, not a good faith attempt at ethical analysis. Epimetheus exploits this rare situation to fearmonger about a nonexistent epidemic of trans people mutilating themselves. His biases lead him to make false equivalencies, ignore key facts, and misrepresent the science - all in service of undermining the legitimacy of trans identities. We must call out this rhetoric as the dangerous pseudoscience it is.
Bringing this to a close…
So PITT crew, I hope this article has revealed the anti-trans agenda and manipulation going on in this Die Fackel 2.0 article, and arguably, as one of the positions the author/publication take. As you can see from the main headers, Die Fackel 2.0 covered the major themes of the more common anti-trans rhetoric out there. Furthermore, I feel I must point out that the vast majority of their article is copy/paste from the study, with some snark or some logical fallacy employed. Their own analysis, particularly well-researched or cited, is woefully and shamefully lacking.
It is my opinion that the author and their publication can be safely ignored, much as we would any other tabloid nonsense. We must firmly reject the transphobic ideology it represents. Trans people are simply trying to live authentically as ourselves, not destroy society. We deserve respect, bodily autonomy, and access to gender-affirming care.
Articles like this, that exploit fringe cases to attack us and our basic rights, cannot go unchallenged. By calling out the bias and junk science, and centering trans humanity, we can push back against the fear-mongering. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for this kind of hatred and pseudointellectual bigotry.
So let us continue to assert the validity of trans identities and advocate for trans acceptance. Standing up to bad faith concern trolling like this is how we build a society of understanding and inclusion. Till next time!
Kasten, Erich. "Case study about a patient suffering from body integrity dysphoria and gender dysphoria." Frontiers in Psychiatry (2024). https://www.academia.edu/2997-9196/1/3/10.20935/MHealthWellB7376
“'Brothers of Italy / Italy [is about to] Wake Up', as last pre-election polls suggest Giorgia Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia has good chances to win the elections.” Die Fackel 2.0, 2022, https://fackel.substack.com/p/brothers-of-italy-italy-is-about?utm_source=publication-search
"LBG Alliance Convention in London Attacked by Trans™ Activists." Die Fackel 2.0, 12 Oct. 2024, https://fackel.substack.com/p/lbg-alliance-convention-in-london.
Thank you for doing this research into the truth. You have no idea how this is helping me cope with the political work that needs to be done!