Here’s a thought from a gay man who I respect. Perhaps Miss Rowling is in denial of her authentic self? After all, the intensity of one’s reactions is directly correlated to the depth of unresolved personal issues. Clues: She goes by JK; never uses her first name. She spends an inordinate amount of ink describing the physicality of her male characters - their strength, virility and how hairy they are. The female characters don’t get the same kind of detail. I have not read any of her books or seen the movies. This thought comes from David Ferguson, a smart, sensitive, talented musician (Astral Summer), and podcaster (he appears Thursdays on the Bob Cesca podcast). I find the intensity of her continued attacks, that have gone on for years now, confounding. She’s made a cottage industry on attacking people she doesn’t even know. It’s. Just. Odd.

On another note, I wish we could cease with “TERF.” It’s a meaningless term that only serves to attack, shutting down any possibility of dialogue. I’m old-ish. I came out in my teens in the late ‘70s. I was one of those Lesbian Separatists that created community, supported women in the trades, worked all the hotlines, supported my gay brothers during the AIDS crisis in the ‘80s and ‘90s, passed LGBTQ rights legislation and later gay marriage. I’ve been around and I have never met a “TERF.”

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I agree with you and David here. As we have learned about the issue people had with gay marriage and anti-gay positions, those who doth protest too much often did so to cover some internalized need to deny one's self. The stereotypical hate filled christian preacher who comes out as gay is the common trope, but one that is grounded in a seemingly high rate of truth. The Exodus leader(s) comes readily to mind as well. I can see precisely where one can connect all these dots in regards to Rowling. If it were to be true, I would not be surprised in the least as it fits the pattern.

And while you say you've never met a "TERF", I'm curious - did you encounter feminists who were fans of Janice Raymond and "Sappho by Surgery" or "The Transsexual Empire"? Did you bump into any who opposed Sandy Stone and Olivia Records support of her? Maybe those who approved of the expulsion of Beth Elliot from the Sisters? If so, you might have met a "TERF" before the term existed or the ideology had a name.

The work you have done, the experiences you have lived through, like KingRay and others I have met on this platform are, in my opinion, invaluable. We, as an LGBTQ+ community, could really use your knowledge, experience, and wisdom to help us engage in the kind of activism and advocacy that we are going to need now and for the years to come. Have you considered writing a book or making your own blog/newsletter? Might be worth considering :) Thank you for taking the time to comment and for sharing what you have - I appreciate it very much!

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Sorry for the delay. It takes me awhile to gather my thoughts. I am not a writer. To answer your questions, I am aware of Janice Raymond, though I don't know anyone who has read her work. So, yes, Janice Raymond has attempted to develop a TERF ideology. I remember reading 2 paragraphs from her and it was more than enough. As for Beth Elliot and Sandy Stone; I was a preteen and on the East Coast at the time of those crisis. The '70s and '80s were both joyous and extremely difficult at the same time. The second wave of feminism was making advances and all the consciousness raising led to Women's Studies programs and a development of lesbian politics with the creation of many lesbian studies journals and local newsletters, bookstores, coffeehouses. The anthem was "the personal is political." Consequently, disagreements frequently were not differences of opinions but seen as a rejection of one's being. For white women, it seemed like everything as personal. There was also a strong sense of ownership of the community we were creating. I remember when the feminist restaurant opened in Connecticut around 1977, women customers were quick to offer suggestions on how to make it "better." Well, contribute $10,000 and become part of the collective and then you can have a say! I think this distorted sense of ownership and community responsibility led to the threat on Sandy Stone's life. Olivia was new and was a small group of women who had to work seamlesly together. They were the beginning of women's music. The threat on Sandy Stone's life is a black mark on our herstory.

Thank you for the compliment, but I don't think I could write a book or sustain a blog. I work with Rainbow Elders at the local Pride Center, and honestly, the only blog I'd like to do is one for post menopausal triathletes - training and nutrition change significantly after 60. It's its own dysphoria. Suddenly, the training schedule that has worked for 30 years doesn't yield the same result in year 31. I look forward to reading your work.

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Rowling has a lot in common with Elmo. Big platforms which aren’t used for the common good, but to perpetuate hate and misinformation at the expense of others. This bathroom nonsense is a fear mongering tactic to justify animosity. You know who I’m bothered by in the bathroom? Kids looking under the door or partition.

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I'd love to know what sources S. Narling G. Rowling gets her disinformation from.

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Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! Good one.

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I nearly lost some coffee while reading this, LOL

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I’m fascinated by the idea that the only thing keeping men out of women’s spaces is a refusal to acknowledge trans women. Implicit in that idea is the belief that would-be assailants respect boundaries. How does that work exactly? “I’d like to go in there and assault someone, but the sign on the door says I can’t”?

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Also, what about transmen raping men in men's bathrooms. I'd wager more men rape other men in men's bathrooms but if you force transwomen to use men's bathrooms they're more likely to be raped by cis men then they are to rape cis women in women's bathrooms.

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Transmen raping men? How does that work? LMFAO

We're not able to rape anybody unless we've had a certain kind of bottom surgery. Even then, the thoughts & mindsets of cismales don't get surgically inserted in our brains. LOL

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It depends on your definition of rape. Anyone of any gender is capable of sexually assaulting anyone of any other gender. The point that you missed is that a transwoman can't rape a cis woman unless she hasn't had gender confirmation surgery. And if her hormone therapy hasn't rendered her impotant. That's a much smaller set of transwomen. Of course a trans man could rape a cis woman or man if they had the surgery allowing them to do so. I'm sure though this comment was never directed at you you'll still take it personally because of that enormous chip on your shoulder.

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I happen to agree about transwomen being in the men's room, but here you come off all butt hurt over an honest funny little comment I made. We are not strong enough to rape cismales in a bathroom, or anywhere really. Testosterone doesn't give us that much strength compared to a cismale or t-woman. I happen to advocate for everybody trans, but what would you know?

You have a reason to get shitty with me, and I know what it is. Before I come with the receipts, you better back up off me. I could shock this whole post with those receipts and do you really want me to go there? You don't throw that rape word off on transmen and not have me turn the tables on you. We don't have the mindset ... period. You need to deal with your man-hatin' attitudes, or is it something else? I bet it's a combination of things when it comes to me.

Have you ever been raped and not because of sex work? That's another way transwomen can end up in that predicament. Before you say something equally crass, I have nothing against sex work. Only the danger it poses to women.

I hope I make myself clear, because you're getting ready to get an eyeful. I'd rather not do that here, but if you insist on frontin' for your little crew out here in the open, let's dance. And bring your receipts, woman.

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You got nothing come with the receipts I think you got me confused with somebody else

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Oh, and if anybody’s got a chip on their shoulder, it would be you. Plus you lack a sense of humor and need to be taken down a peg or 2. Find it! Find it fast. You are one of those chicks that can't handle opposition to anything you're saying and I know where it comes from. Naaaaaa, the chip is over there on you.

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You missed that you didn't quote that properly and if you can name one single fucking incident of transmen raping anybody, bring it. Otherwise, you were talking about transwomen and said transmen. Please don't be a chaos agent with me. I was making fun of the typo or misquote, and we don't have that kind of mindset because many of us have been raped by cismales & transwomen. Step all the way off and take your foot off the metal before I school you further, Allie. If anybody knows the most of that ordeal, it would be cisfemales & transmen, including ME!

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IKR? Or "I would love to assault someone, but the law says if I step foot in there, I could get in trouble..." I mean c'mon, they are already intent on causing harm. There will always be those who wish to do harm. Trans people do not increase this risk.

No one is harmed simply because someone is trans.

No one is harmed because another is going through transition.

One is harmed by the actions of others who choose to commit acts of harm. This is true regardless if they are cis or trans, straight or not.

Trans people changing, peeing, or simply existing next to you does not increase the risk of harm to anyone.

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Yea-butt religious people bleed internally when gay people in the same town get married. /s

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Why are you posting this here, what am I missing?

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