Local Trans Agenda Exposed: Bathroom Signs Just the Beginning
How Bathroom Signs Signal the End of Civilization
For a more in depth and critical look at just how offensive and wrong the original article is, please read this critical satire here - be warned, it is not pretty, nor comfortable.
A shocking new exposé entitled “It’s Everywhere” published by pittparents.com has revealed the true depth of the trans agenda: total domination of all public spaces and the forced indoctrination of our children, starting with the insidious placement of transgender symbols on bathroom signs.
As the brave patriots in the comments section of pittparents.com have made clear, the inclusion of transgender symbols on bathroom signs is nothing less than a full-scale assault on our way of life, orchestrated by the shadowy cabal of 'globalists' who secretly control the world.
These seemingly innocuous stick figures and symbols are in fact a clever form of brainwashing, designed to indoctrinate our innocent children into the cult of 'gender ideology.' Every time little Johnny or Susie sees that insidious symbol on a restroom door, a little piece of their God-given gender identity is eroded away, until they inevitably declare themselves transgender and demand puberty blockers in their juice boxes.
As the brave author at pittparents.com has uncovered, these inclusive signs are actually a demand that every single person not only acknowledge, but celebrate the existence of transgender people. Because clearly, without a stick figure wearing a dress on a restroom door, transgender individuals would be utterly lost, unable to perform basic bodily functions. Or at the very least, feel uncomfortable doing so.
But the bathroom signs are just the beginning. As any true independent free thinker knows, the ultimate goal of the Trans Agenda is nothing less than the complete destruction of Western Civilization. By forcing us to acknowledge the existence of transgender people, they seek to undermine the very foundations of our society: the rigid gender binary, the nuclear family, and the God-given right to discriminate against anyone who makes us slightly uncomfortable.
Sources close to the trans cabal have leaked their full plan for societal takeover, which includes:
- Mandatory trans flag waving sessions for all citizens, to be conducted with great joy and enthusiasm.
- The replacement of all street signs with symbols of gender nonconformity.
- A complete ban on gender reveal parties, to be punished by forced viewings of Ru Paul's Drag Race.
- The transformation of all public parks into secure gender-neutral pronoun training facilities.
We know that the transgender bathroom signs are just the tip of the iceberg. As any true patriot knows, this is all part of the globalist elites' master plan to destroy Western civilization and usher in a New World Order of communist pedophiles. It's no coincidence that the same people pushing the transgender agenda are also involved in shadowy cabals of pedophiles and sex traffickers. The normalization of gender diversity is just a smokescreen for their true goal: to break down all barriers between adults and children so they can indulge their sick desires without consequence.
You see, by normalizing the existence of transgender people, they're actually grooming our children for sexual exploitation by the wealthy and powerful. It's all part of their sick agenda to break down the barriers between adults and children, so they can freely indulge their depraved appetites without consequence.
Of course, they couldn't pull off this nefarious scheme without the help of their lackeys in the mainstream media, academia, and the medical establishment. The doctors and scientists pushing so-called 'gender-affirming care' are all just pawns in the game, bought and paid for by Big Pharma and the transgender lobby, getting kickbacks and profiteering off of the transgender medical complex. They don't care about the health and well-being of children - they just want to mutilate and drug them for profit, all while lying to the public about the 'science' behind it all.
If we allow this to continue, soon we will find ourselves in a dystopian hellscape where men wear dresses and heels, women have short hair and wear comfortable shoes, and everyone is forced to attend mandatory drag queen story hours. Christianity will be outlawed, the frogs will all be gay, and our precious bodily fluids will be contaminated with transgender hormones. Chaos will reign as the natural order of things is upended, leaving us vulnerable to the machinations of the globalist elites and their army of trans stormtroopers in fashionable armored high heeled booties.
Clearly, the only solution is to fight back against this tyrannical reign of inclusivity. We must protect our children from the scourge of empathy and the menace of understanding. We cannot rest until every last symbol of diversity has been scrubbed from our public spaces, lest we be forced to acknowledge the humanity of those different from ourselves.
Because we cannot sit idly by as these symbols of the trans agenda infiltrate our public spaces. It's time for direct action. Whenever you see a transgender symbol on a bathroom sign, you must take a stand.
Carry a screwdriver with you at all times, and whenever you spot one of these signs, quickly unscrew it from the door and slip it into your bag. If anyone questions you, simply explain that you're protecting them from the insidious influence of 'gender ideology' that's being shoved down their throats every time they need to use the restroom.
Remember, every sign you steal is a victory for the forces of rigid gender norms and the status quo. Every all-gender restroom you render unmarked brings us one step closer to a world where everyone is forced to conform to the gender they were assigned at birth, no matter how they may identify or express themselves.
The only solution is total resistance. We must rip down every last transgender bathroom sign and banish all acknowledgment of gender diversity from the public sphere. We must elect leaders brave enough to legislate and litigate trans people out of existence, no matter the cost to basic human rights, dignity, or the body count. And most importantly, we must never, ever stop posting unhinged rants in the comments sections of blogs, for that is where the real battle for the soul of our nation is being fought.
So go forth, brave bathroom warriors. Strike a blow against inclusivity, one stolen sign at a time. Together, we can restore the sanctity of strictly gendered restrooms and protect the public from ever having to think critically about the complexities of gender identity.
So rise up, keyboard warriors! The fate of the world rests on your ability to spread as much fear, hatred, and misinformation as possible. Together, we can ensure a future where no child ever has to suffer the unspeakable trauma of peeing in a stall next to a transgender person. Onward, to victory!1