Sure you are, or you wouldn’t be here name calling, spreading lies, citing to bogus articles. Your opioid and cigarette study comparisons are straw man arguments that have zero relevance to trans studies.
Sure you are, or you wouldn’t be here name calling, spreading lies, citing to bogus articles. Your opioid and cigarette study comparisons are straw man arguments that have zero relevance to trans studies.
In all honesty, Kay-El, Kat has somehow managed to say one true thing here: Kat does not appear to have a phobia. Fevered-pitch bigotry is often perceived as a phobia, but a phobia is a pathological fear, about which a person has no choice. Kat has a choice. Kat does not have to be a hateful bigotry fueled by junk-science bullshit. Kat could choose to be a curious, respectful, empathic person, but for some reason has chosen the hateful junk-science bullshit path. It would be humorous if it weren't so hateful destructive.
Sure you are, or you wouldn’t be here name calling, spreading lies, citing to bogus articles. Your opioid and cigarette study comparisons are straw man arguments that have zero relevance to trans studies.
In all honesty, Kay-El, Kat has somehow managed to say one true thing here: Kat does not appear to have a phobia. Fevered-pitch bigotry is often perceived as a phobia, but a phobia is a pathological fear, about which a person has no choice. Kat has a choice. Kat does not have to be a hateful bigotry fueled by junk-science bullshit. Kat could choose to be a curious, respectful, empathic person, but for some reason has chosen the hateful junk-science bullshit path. It would be humorous if it weren't so hateful destructive.
Hmmm, an excellent point. I stand corrected.
The only thing collapsing is you.