Does anyone know where to find detransitioning support online? It appears blocked on the internet?

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I am not sure what support specifically you are looking for, so here are the two that come readily to mind that 1) generally puts out good, solid information and 2) is not seemingly wrapped up in "gender critical" ideology.

That said, I have not deep dived into this site and its resources.


Sometimes reddit will have folks with some good resources from their personal experiences. Keep in mind, like twitter and other places, there are those with an agenda.


You might be surprised to learn that nearly all trans folk are supportive and accepting of their detransitioning family. Most of the time, we all just want people to be right with themselves, no matter where that journey takes them - trans, detrans, and retrans, or not trans at all. I hope this helps - please send me an email or reply if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can do to help.

Also, please be informed and forewarned! There are many a grifting under the detrans umbrella! Do not get caught up in that, this article seems to expose quite a bit from the inside, worth reading: https://thatweirdolee.medium.com/im-a-trans-person-that-helped-found-a-detransition-advocacy-organization-57d18572be32

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Thank you!

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