Great article which is chock full of facts and legitimate sources unlike the Highsmith article which has little basis in reality. If one has to title their supposedly researched article with Idiots and a slur, they obviously have an axe to grind and the article cannot be taken as any kind of serious research.
Charlotte, I appreciate your kind words and support. You're absolutely right that I don't expect to sway Kat with this article. As you note, she is deeply entrenched in her beliefs and unlikely to change. Nice quote by the way! :)
My goal in writing pieces like this is to reach those who may encounter her rhetoric and similar anti-trans arguments online. I want to provide them with factual, well-reasoned information to counter the emotional manipulation and misinformation that often characterizes transmisic ideology.
By thoroughly debunking Kat's claims, I hope to model how to engage critically with these issues and equip both trans people and allies with the knowledge to stand up against hate of even the most intractable and incorrigible kind. If purveyors of anti-trans rhetoric want to be taken seriously, they need to learn to ground their arguments in facts and reason, not knee-jerk reactions, 'whataboutism', fearmongering, and prejudice. Since that position is not one that is generally/reasonably based on facts, efforts like this is how we start to let them paint themselves into corners.
So it is not about Kat, they just made themselves an example. My aim is for articles like this one to have a positive impact by inoculating readers against bigotry, comforting victims of transphobic hate, and empowering people with the tools to push back against discrimination wherever they encounter it. While we may never change the most obstinate minds, we can still make a meaningful difference by spreading truth and encouraging empathy. Well, that is the hope shaped by an idea, and put into action with a goal :)
My god this is comprehensive . Well done
Great article which is chock full of facts and legitimate sources unlike the Highsmith article which has little basis in reality. If one has to title their supposedly researched article with Idiots and a slur, they obviously have an axe to grind and the article cannot be taken as any kind of serious research.
Great job, thorough and well cited as always.
Charlotte, I appreciate your kind words and support. You're absolutely right that I don't expect to sway Kat with this article. As you note, she is deeply entrenched in her beliefs and unlikely to change. Nice quote by the way! :)
My goal in writing pieces like this is to reach those who may encounter her rhetoric and similar anti-trans arguments online. I want to provide them with factual, well-reasoned information to counter the emotional manipulation and misinformation that often characterizes transmisic ideology.
By thoroughly debunking Kat's claims, I hope to model how to engage critically with these issues and equip both trans people and allies with the knowledge to stand up against hate of even the most intractable and incorrigible kind. If purveyors of anti-trans rhetoric want to be taken seriously, they need to learn to ground their arguments in facts and reason, not knee-jerk reactions, 'whataboutism', fearmongering, and prejudice. Since that position is not one that is generally/reasonably based on facts, efforts like this is how we start to let them paint themselves into corners.
So it is not about Kat, they just made themselves an example. My aim is for articles like this one to have a positive impact by inoculating readers against bigotry, comforting victims of transphobic hate, and empowering people with the tools to push back against discrimination wherever they encounter it. While we may never change the most obstinate minds, we can still make a meaningful difference by spreading truth and encouraging empathy. Well, that is the hope shaped by an idea, and put into action with a goal :)