Holy cow, your troll is all over these comments. She must've been bored or something. Listen, you have the patience of Job, and the intelligence of genius.

Having lived with bigotry for over 67 years, I have learned one thing about people like Kat. They suffer from cognitive dissonance and nothing you say will jerk them from their twisted reality. Even if it's factual, true, or anything that resembles rationality.

That's why I just punch them in the nose and keep it moving. Hahahahaha. I have changed racist minds a few times, but I no longer trusted them because they fall back into patterns of irrationality that defy everything they know to be true about me. It's like they're pissed off that they like me for who I am. Disappointed that they did so against their belief systems.

I'm feisty AF, so I don't hesitate to get tough with racists/bigots. Culturally, most Black people are not nice when we're angry, annoyed, threatened, or insulted. We can make people feel really small for even attempting those moves on us. Sometimes I silently say, 'Fuck around and find out, you idiot," right before I bloody their nose.

I guess I say all that to let you know, it takes all our efforts to get through to those people. You can be polite, nice, and/or scientific. I will theoretically kick them in the crotch and keep it moving. Kind of like the difference between MLK and Malcolm X. Both men were so smooth & elegant while speaking, though. I hope I can be like them one day, but I doubt it. LOL

Carry on, PITT. You're great!

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Thank you for the work you do. Human diversity is a thing to be celebrated, not derided out of ignorance.

That trans people exist and we can give new perspectives on the true nature of sex and gender is a gift to the human race. If only more folks would open their hardened hearts and let go of their terror that paralyzes them in the face of new experiences.

They crown themselves as masters who know everything (ironically acting as though they themselves are god), looking down on others and when their false crowns inevitably come crashing down they get frustrated and turn to rage, wrath, and ultimately self destructive violence that leads to their ruin.

It's really sad.

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That TERF keeps popping up with her rabid hates. Please report her if you see her. She isn't worth engaging with as she repeatedly shows she doesn't learn, take on evidence or care about anything but hate. https://substack.com/@juliaserano/note/c-74789168

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I find Kat to be a pitiable person, but after my rather extensive efforts, I am more inclined to block her from commenting here permanently. I don't like doing that, I want to believe that patience, facts, data, and explanation will eventually sink in.

But lately it has been a comment every four minutes or so, then a long pause, followed by more, like they are a bot or something. Often copy/paste, and seems only to want to insult and make people mad.

I have always advocated for self-care, so if blocking is a thing you want or need to do, you should. Now I think I am advocating for everyone to just ignore or block/mute them as a matter of course.

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All you do is confirm the fact that everything I say is true. That is why you cannot answer a single thing and do nothing but repeat word salad nonsense that is literally meaningless.

If "gender" has nothing to do with genitals, how does surgery on genitals constitute "gender affirming" care?

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Her whole profile seems to be a black hole of hate, misinformation and nastiness, I hope she isn’t monetising it but she does seem to have followers …which is depressing. I wonder if she is real or a bot/troll account too, but sadly too many of these TERFS are very real. We need to ensure they do not have a platform to spread their hate, your reasoned, calm and logical arguments are gold as they really show up how irrational, illogical and hateful their arguments really are.

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I agree with you completely. Maybe with enough people reporting enough times, that may make something happen. Sadly, it seems substack is just fine being a cozy and comfy place for rather extreme groups.

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That's interesting.

The moment you cannot refute somebody, you immediately support censorship and cancellation.

I wonder why.

Just answer the question I ask.

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I muted and blocked that moron a long time ago but then I'm only a commenter anyway and don't have a Subtack. Trolls like her are all the same - ignorant and operating in bad faith since they're not really interested in discussion. The types of trolls who resort to "well, I can say I identify as a tractor ..." Hopefully a lot of them will age out of the population sooner rather than later.

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I agree, and would like to "like" your comment and reply, rc4797, but you have me blocked for some reason?

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Wow, this is the most patient and eloquent way to read her for absolute filth 😆 thank you for this! I had to block her as I found her comments so incredibly hateful and disgusting… I see now that is her entire online persona. It would be sad if it weren’t so pathetic.

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Excellent post. Showing the logical fallacies in TERFs and using evidence to show they really do have nothing but their irrational, unsubstantiated hate. Thank you.

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Logical fallacies.

All you have to do is define "man," define "woman," and explain how a man "transitions to" woman with proof.

Would you like to talk about logic and hate, while there are male rapists in women's prisons?

Btw, the "they/thems" are actually even stupider from mentally ill men calling themselves women. You're the absolute lowest rung of humanity.

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You really are like a broken record aren’t you?

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Thanks for the compliment and kind words :)

I have another one in the works, as well as another Q&A to address some of these points being raised.

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Nov 3Edited
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By giving Kat a 24 hour ban it also included removing their comments, which I did not want to do. Unfortunately, due to some bug, I was not given the option to prevent this. The popup just disappeared and the damage was done.

Removing their comments was not intentional.

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Nov 4
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Using your comment as a template:

THEY DID, with a simple link. Can you not read and comprehend? What is wrong with you?

Do you see how rude/insulting that comes across? You asked for an answer, they gave one, and now that is not good enough? Move the goalposts some more!

And you wonder why people block you and do not take you seriously.

You cannot engage constructively with the substance and points made. So long as that is true, people will see and respond to you for the troll that you are.

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I didn't ask for a link from a hijacked and bought/paid for organization that spews more propaganda than the Bush administration in the run up to the Iraq war. That's like citing Dick Cheney's interview on Meet the Press in 2002 saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

I want this explained to me from the highly intelligent people here.

Type it out in comments here, directly with your words.

Why can't any of you do this?

Answer it with the same high IQ you use in your rambling retarded lists and wonderful explanation of gender. If you can do that, do this.

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Please continue as people like K H will only believe there is a number known as one million not by the math or science but if you actually count up to it.

As a problem solver in my day to day employ I have an insatiable desire to learn how things work as well as understanding the complex interactions between things like humans and machines or memories and emotions. I would be fascinated by hearing what a psychologist would think goes into creating someone with such a mentality. It would of course be speculative but might provide a path to understanding and even prevention for the future of young minds.

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You're in interested in brainwashing young minds?

I wonder why.

Those drag queens twerking and stripping in front of toddlers were really interesting. Do you care about that type of mentality?

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I love how dimorphic is always used wrongly in these circumstances.

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Nov 1
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I love how you use dimorphic wrongly when you go on a transphobic rant. It is not like you even want to learn what you are getting wrong.

And there is no point debating you because you get abusive.

I look forward to being entertained by your next rant, after which I will block

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I am not certain Kat actually reads anything anyone writes, at least not very carefully. They just take whatever meaning they want and use that, regardless if that is right or wrong. Why let something like facts confuse them, right?

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Like a mentally ill male will never be a female since sex is binary and immutable?


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Thank you infinitely for your thorough research and the wonderfully structured analysis of the trans hating crew responses. I have now more information to counteract hateful rhetoric and I can see better what lies beneath the tantrums thrown against trans people.

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I am glad that you found this insightful and helpful!

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Can you?

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Nov 3Edited
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So you can't. That is not a definition. That is a political sound bite.

And you slide into abuse. TERFs always do that.

And that is why is why I'm blocking you.


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Nov 3Edited
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Why are you arguing with people you believe to be insane?

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My dear, please go on. Everyone can see how you engage with the subject. They'll judge your position accordingly.

Best of luck with that ❤️

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Nov 3
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Everyone can see how we do it too, yes. I'll still leave the decision to them.

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I too have a couple of simple questions for you:

1) can you prove to anyone your biological sex without any reasonable doubt? I don't mean theoretically, I mean in a legal and unfalsifiable way.

2) I see that you're legitimately worried about violence against women and girls: why aren't you putting the same effort (and I know you don't because spaces where trans rights are discussed are the only spaces you are so dutifully engaging with) to fight against the violence women and girls suffer at the hands of governments and all men, instead of focusing on a very minimal subset of the world population?

As for "throwing food" and "beating up women" well, I don't do either of those things because throwing food is wasteful and I don't beat up anyone. Another thing I don't do is call people ableist slurs just because I cannot get my point across.

Your energy is even admirable, you are diligent and seem not to be able to get tired. I wish you would use it for the people that are really responsible for the situation women and girls are in. But I suppose hating is more fun.

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Excellent writeup! And I like PITT crew. 😎

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Thanks for the compliment, and I am glad that you like it!

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Nov 1
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Can you?

Nvm...blocking the rancid troll now.

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Problem with blocking is that it only puts blinders over your own eyes. They can continue to post insulting things about you, you just won't see it. I've stopped blocking people. The fact that I don't respond to their continued taunting usually leads them to think wrongfully that I've blocked them. Eventually they stop when they think you aren't listening.

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It also appears that blocking on Substack is ineffective.

That is a shame.

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I admire your strength of will.

After some 5,000 attempts to engage in the last 9 years I decided that nothing useful was emerging and I chose to spend my time on more useful things. If anything mega arises, I will hear about it anyway.

I reached the point where I could reliably predict the conversation to two or three different models. Of course, there is always a chance that I will miss something, but it is a chance I am willing to take. If they want to engage, then they can do it with knowledge and relative respect.

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Ah, so they provide a link and since it does not agree with you, it must be part of some shadowy conspiracy theory wherein tens of thousands of doctors, scientists, and professionals must all be in on the take, and are just really, really good at keeping it all a secret. How convenient. Next you will tell me we never landed on the moon, or that the earth is flat.

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You know what they say about ad hominem attacks: they are the highest compliment because they are rarely resorted to unless the source of said attacks has no argument of substance to offer.

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Unless perhaps you are arguing with someone who is 5 years old or intellectually incapable.

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Nov 3
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Thanks! You just proved my point for me. 😀

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It's so amusing how you just keep stepping on that rake!

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Great work as always!

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Hey, Thanks Olivia!

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I always like a good breakdown of an argument.

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Seek help please, therapy would be a good start, it’s not healthy to be so obsessive and angry.

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There isn’t any universal “feeling” that women have, I feel like myself, if myself identifies as a woman then so be it, nothing you can do about it. My mental health is actually the best it has ever been since I started transitioning. I know mental illness when I see it and I am being sincere when I say go see a therapist.

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I will forever be in awe at the level of patience you employ. This is truly incredible work, and I am so grateful to both know you and be involved in helping our community grow and support one another. Well done, my friend.

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Yes, and perhaps I would add in some envy too.

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Thanks for the kind words and sentiment Robin! I am so glad we found each other here, and are working together towards these common goals. 👍 😄

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And you’re not a good person.

TERFs will never be good people.

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It must be awful living with so much hate and anger all the time.

I hope you find peace and become a better person.

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I do have a sort of template built up upon her many responses, it is so formulaic.

As far as I can tell, it generally follows this format, though the exact order and content will vary:

[Insult or accusation of immorality]

[Claim that transgender identity doesn't exist]

[Demand for definitions]

[Comparison to historical medical controversy]

[Accusation that other side can't answer questions]

[Claim of having disproven other side]

[Reference to detransitioner case]

[Dismissal of scientific evidence]

[Prediction of future doom/vindication]

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What is sad is that she doesn’t seem to learn at all, she seems incapable of it, and keeps showing herself up by using the same bad faith arguments, logical fallacies, poor science and demands. She is like a broken record.

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Any idea if this formula mimics a formula used by others like Moonies for instance.

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I wonder why a man like you is wondering about being around a school.

It can't be because gross pedophile men are inextricably linked to the "trans" lie and always have been, and men like you have been projecting forever.

We're winning, and somewhere in that porn-damaged male cranium, you know it.

You won't see anything crushed except your male ego when you get sent to the mental hospital, sir. That is where you belong.

Btw, getting excited about violence and spinning off into fantasies about pedophilia isn't masculine at all, so you're doing great.

A man in a dress calling himself a lesbian. You're Dr. Dame Katy Denise LOL.

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Nov 1Edited
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Does this stuff keep you up at night, Kat? You sound so upset, and you're pouring endless (repeated and tired) comments here, like screaming into the wind. I can see how badly you want all of us to not exist, and yet we're still here, still happy and joyful. How frustrating for you. How do you get your grocery shopping done when you're constantly whipped up in a lather like this? Do you have wicked indigestion? High blood pressure?

Better yet, are you actually here saying all of these cruel things (that will never convince anyone here) because you've driven off everyone in your life who was ever a friend? Who would want to sit next to you at a barbecue? Can you even make it through a movie? Can you hold down a job for longer than a week?

At some point you have to ask yourself why this is so personally important to you. Do you visualize yourself as some kind of champion? A hero? Does that feel so satisfying you're willing to be friendless and alone with your anger all the time?

And I don't expect a real answer from you because I know you're not actually capable of such things, but I honestly wonder what would happen if you tried looking inward instead of yelling. So go on, yell, scream into the wind. And when you're exhausted, maybe try something new like asking for someone to be your friend. It feels so much nicer.

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Some Terfs have been hurt very badly or betrayed by a father figure at some point in their lives which gives them a hatred of male models. In an effort to separate from all men and retreat to women only spaces and relationships they feel that trans women are intentionally interloping on their women only spaces as well as stealing women only privilege. They see trans women as men trying to wedge their way into their safe spaces with the intention of doing them harm perhaps even molesting or raping them.

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