Great response. A friend of my sibling went through something similar as the original letter writer but not quite on that level of selfishness and vitriol. However, she did her work and now everything is as it should be: acceptance and a willingness to travel that road with her child.
Well this seems to be a daily thing now for me to wake up and read an insightful and well-reasoned perspective and think to myself “damn, that’s spot on!”
Having taken the opportunity to read the letter upon which this response is based, and having read and heard perspectives like it throughout my career, I remain amazed at how people can make the gender identity and transition of a loved one about themselves.
Again, though, your response is well-reasoned and meticulously crafted.
Wow, you give me too much credit! Thanks again for your kind compliments :)
This one was a bit easier to write, in that I did not have to scrub and revise so many times, because much of it can come from my heart, filtered through a fictional character (anonymous' friend). I hope it helps some parent somewhere rethink their initial position, or can be used in part or in its entirety, to help someone help another. Through facts, reason, satire, or letters like this, I hope that the mirrors I craft can be used to help parents like them reflect and see not just themselves, but beyond themselves as well.
Great response. A friend of my sibling went through something similar as the original letter writer but not quite on that level of selfishness and vitriol. However, she did her work and now everything is as it should be: acceptance and a willingness to travel that road with her child.
Well this seems to be a daily thing now for me to wake up and read an insightful and well-reasoned perspective and think to myself “damn, that’s spot on!”
Having taken the opportunity to read the letter upon which this response is based, and having read and heard perspectives like it throughout my career, I remain amazed at how people can make the gender identity and transition of a loved one about themselves.
Again, though, your response is well-reasoned and meticulously crafted.
Wow, you give me too much credit! Thanks again for your kind compliments :)
This one was a bit easier to write, in that I did not have to scrub and revise so many times, because much of it can come from my heart, filtered through a fictional character (anonymous' friend). I hope it helps some parent somewhere rethink their initial position, or can be used in part or in its entirety, to help someone help another. Through facts, reason, satire, or letters like this, I hope that the mirrors I craft can be used to help parents like them reflect and see not just themselves, but beyond themselves as well.